Working on My Attitude

Looks like I had a visitor during the night.



Photo Credit: Wikimedia


I’m working on my attitude.

Thank you mole for aerating my garden for free.

Thank you mole for aerating my garden for free.

But the flowers looked so beautiful yesterday.

Thank you mole for aerating my garden for free.

Thank you mole for aerating my garden for free.

But  now some of the seedlings have been destroyed

Thank you mole for aerating my garden for free.

Thank you mole for aerating my garden for free.

That wasn’t supposed to happen.

Obviously it was, because it did.

Thank you mole for aerating my garden for free.

Thank you mole for aerating my garden for free.

Thank you mole for aerating my garden for free.

I will get there.


10 thoughts on “Working on My Attitude

  1. !! Good inspiration for me to come up with a similar statement of gratitude to the squirrels (currently a momma and 3 babies) who are trashing the plants on my deck and eating all of the suet and seed in the bird feeder. I want them to eat and be happy but do they need to leave nothing for the birds, and dig up plants and seedlings in the process? I’ll come up with something, as I do enjoy their visits.

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