A New Leaf is Born

On Friday, this banana leaf shoot caught my eye.


I found it interesting to look at the leaf-in-the-making up close.

When I went to the garden on Saturday, this was what I saw.

On Sunday, I had a big surprise awaiting me!

The new leaf felt like soft vinyl. I wish I had been present at it’s moment of birth.

To see all of the posts in this Amritapuri series, click here.

7 thoughts on “A New Leaf is Born

  1. Wow!! it grows so darn fast…makes one want to stay up all night and watch it open up, like a famous flower in India (don’t remember the name but have written poems about it) that flowers only once a year in the night. Great photos too!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Amazing, I found the original email. The flower is a Cereus. No, I didn’t notice the banana plant. I will take a look. The neighbors across the street have one. I wish I had more places in my yard that were sunny. I’d grow bananas and turmeric!

        Liked by 1 person

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