Repurposing Plastic Waste

I have been interested in crafting for as long as I can remember. One of my favorite projects was working with a group of Embracing the World volunteers to create beautiful bags and baskets by crocheting and weaving discarded grocery bags, strapping, newspaper wrappers, snack bags and other forms of waste.

Below are photos of some of the items I made during that time in my life. If you click on the gallery you will be able to see what each article was made from.

Here is a more detailed listing for one of the items.



Weekly Photo Challenge: Repurpose


20 thoughts on “Repurposing Plastic Waste

    1. Yes, you can carry groceries with these bags. The bag in the third picture of the gallery and the one similar to it further down are perfect for that purpose. They work and also create some interesting discussions with the cashiers!


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