Daily Prompt: Perfume

I have been working so much in the Greenbelt that I have neglected my own yard. Last week, I temporarily changed my priorities.

Yesterday afternoon, I spread cedar chips in the walkways. Their smell is like perfume to me.

Red currant shrub-to-be and cedar chips
Elderberry shrub-to-be and cedar chips

Note 1: The flower petals are falling from the magnolia tree above.
Note 2: There is no part of this area that is finished but I hope the photos gave you a glimpse of what it is becoming. 

Daily Prompt: Perfume

6 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Perfume

  1. Oh I love the fragrance scent of cedar chips…lovely photo. I like that you leave us on pins and needles 🙂 but would love to see a photo of that magnolia tree…we are just started to show buds on our trees…we are a good 3 weeks later than our Ontario neighbours.

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