Comfort Food


This morning I canned 4 pints of sugarless applesauce and this afternoon I canned 6 more.  There are at least enough apples left to make another 6 pints!  I decided to leave it slightly chunky and to add cinnamon!

So the jars of applesauce are now added to the jars of unsweetened canned peaches, pears and blueberry jam.  While part of this endeavor has been about reconnecting to activities I enjoyed doing forty years ago, I’m realizing what I have also done is provide myself with some healthy comfort foods.  Hopefully they will replace the cookies, donuts, ice cream and chocolate anything that I all too often indulge in!

12 thoughts on “Comfort Food

  1. Canning brings back pleasant memories of summer vacations spent with my grandmother as she went through the process of canning vegetables from her garden and peaches from the tress in the backyard. I haven’t seen anyone doing this since I was 15-years-old. Pleasant memories, oftentimes, buried and reignited at unexpected times.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad my post brought memories from long ago for you. I don’t know whether my mother canned or not. I suspect she might have. If not, I don’t know where I would have learned about it.


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