The Beautiful Peace Lily

This beautiful Peace Lily (also known as a Peace Plant) was given to me by my son soon after Christmas. To learn more about the plant go to: (There are many other articles on the internet about this subject.)

The Amazing Amaryllis

The Amaryllis is a fascinating and amazing plant. We were given one of these plants fur Christmas. They grow unbelievably fast and need no water. To read more about the Amaryllis plant and how to care for it you can click here. We took a picture to capture its growth almost every day.

This post is written in gratitude to my son and daughter, those with whom Ī’m living and all my friends.

Texas Beauty

Vedavati had to go back to the United States to get a new visa.

Sunrise at Galveston Beach where I’ve gone to all my life, until I left Texas. It was fabulous to go back there.
These Oleanders almost made me feel I was back in Amritapuri. Galveston is full of them too

Washington Rhododendron

A friend sent me a picture of a rhododendron bush in her yard. It is a wonderful view from the main bedroom. There are three colors of rhododendron bushes in front of my Seattle house but I’ve never seen any this color before.

As the blooms age, they change color.

A few days later, she also saw a bunny in the yard. (She took the photo through a window screen.)