Unexpected Beauty

A few days ago, when I was taking a zoom exercise class, I looked out the window and was stunned by the beauty of a tree in my neighbors yard.

As soon as the class was over, I took a photo. I was disappointed to discover that the photo did not reflect what I had seen with my eyes.

I decided to go outside and see if I could take a better photo, one that came closer to reality.



A Fascinating Plant- Update 1

On October 9th, I posted photos of a plant that had grown from a sweet potato that had sprouted in my kitchen. At first, I had put it in water. Once roots had developed, I planted it in soil. That was done during the 3rd week of September.

Since it was so late in the year, I had planted it in an indoor pot. Today, I noticed how much the plant had grown since I last took photos of it on October 6th. I decided to post new photos!

October 13
October 13


A Fascinating Plant

When I came home from Woodinville in mid-August, I discovered that a sweet potato on my kitchen cabinet had sprouted. By then the sprout was at least 8 inches long and it had many 1/8 – 1/4 inch leaves. I watched it grow for a few weeks and then decided to cut off the part of the sweet potato with the sprout. I put the cutting in a cup of water.

I was shocked by how fast the roots grew. Pretty soon the glass cup was filled with roots. I took a photo at that point but when I looked for it on the camera later, it was nowhere to be found.

The third week in September, I decided to plant the cutting in dirt. It was too late in the year to plant it outside so it would have to be a house plant. Once planted in dirt, it seemed like the leaves doubled in size every day. It was hard to imagine they had only been 1/8 – 1/4 inches weeks before. This photo was taken on September 23.

And here are two I took on October 6.

It is a beautiful plant. I hope it continues growing. I wonder if it will ever produce sweet potatoes. If so, will it be during the winter since it is being treated like a house plant? This will be an adventure.


Beauty During the Pandemic

I have essentially remained in my house since the stay at home order went into effect; but I have gone to the grocery store occasionally and have also walked up and down my street or around the block from time to time.

Yesterday, I took photos of some of the plants I’ve been seeing on those short ventures.

Click on any of the photos below to enlarge them.


Stay at Home Photos

Like most of us, I imagine, I’m spending most days in my house. While over the years, I have developed the habit of leaving the blinds on the front window down since they help keep the house warm in the winter and cool in the summer, now that I’m indoors so much, I often find myself pulling the blinds up during daytime hours.  

Still my eyes may not see what’s in front of my face. One morning in May, I gazed towards the front window and really “saw” the view. I had known this rhododendron shrub had buds, but I hadn’t noticed it had come into full bloom. The sight was stunning. 


Beauty in My Backyard-Spring 2020

Since I’m not working in the Greenbelt, I (hopefully) will be able to focus on my own yard again. I say hopefully because I’m not able to get up and down well at this point. Regardless of what the future holds, there is plenty of beauty there already.