The Beauty of India

Amrita Setu Bridge was built in 2006 after the Tsunami devastated the peninsula. 177 people lost their lives in Kerala due to the Tsunami. At that time there was no easy escape to the mainland. The ashram built the bridge for an easy pathway for the villagers to get across.

India has some of the most amazing flowers I’ve seen.

The colors of Indian Sunsets are always breathtaking.

The Monkeys of Kathmandu can be seen carrying their babies around the temples.

But back to Amrita Setu bridge, I wonder if these monkeys used it.

Status Report: Monkeys at Amritapuri, India

Jerry and Tom haven’t been seen since the last time I wrote about them. Will they ever come back? There is no way to know. We can only keep our eyes open and hope they will return. We can appreciate our time with them at Amritapuri or remember the feelings they gave us through the posts.

There was s new monkey in June. I thought Ralph would be a good name for him. My son also thought it was a good name but wanted the opportunity to see what the monkey thought about it first. Meanwhile, I noticed he refers to him as Ralph.


I don’t want to give too much information, but I feel as if I can relate a lot to this next video of Ralph at my current age and circumstance.

What Really Happened!

Tom went towards the food supplies and Satvamrita said “No No No” to him. Tom backed out of the room and bounded up the stairs passing Satvamrita in the process. Satvamrita had seen him pass someone on the stairs earlier in the day so he wasn’t nervous. Tom stopped briefly and looked at Satvamrita, scratched a place on himself that itched and nonchalantly walked away.

Nightmare Monkey 2- Fake Story-Total Fiction

On April 17, I published the first nightmare monkey story on my blog. I thought of another nightmare monkey story when I saw this video with Tom, the new monkey that recently showed up.

Tom casually strolled into the cafe only to be greeted by Satvamrita who told Tom that he could not have the food he wanted. Tom rushed up the stairs passing Satvamrita in the process. Satvamrita casually let him pass, thinking that he was the boss of the place.

Tom looked down across the stairs at Satvamrita and saw the smug look in his eyes. Forgetting how old he was and knowing that he had one last fight in him, Tom jumped and growled at Satvamrita baring his sharp teeth. As he watched Satvamrita shake in abject fear, Tom felt some sense of satisfaction. Tom waltzed back into the cafe and took whatever food he wanted, showing all who the real boss of the place was.

A New Mystery- Tom

There is another monkey at the ashram. He visited the western cafe yesterday. Satvamrita said he is older than Jerry, has a different hair style and a missing finger. He named this monkey Tom.

Where did he come from? Is he related to Jerry? Are there other monkeys in the ashram? Where has Jerry gone?