The Development of Trust (Acrostic)

Day 3’s assignment for Writing 201: Poetry is to write a poem about trust, using the form of an acrostic.

  • An acrostic is any poem in which the first (or last) letters of each line combine to spell out a word or a phrase, or follow the order of the alphabet.


Here is the result of my effort!

Blind faith does not the basis for true trust make,

Experience after experience is what it will take.

Seeing- hearing, being-doing,

Time, effort and discrimination are a must.

Intuition’s a factor, but inner silence may lead to “knowing” robust.

Let go of the need for perfection, that’s not the aim;

Live, learn, let go, and allow the other to do the same.


The act of writing this poem was an experience in and of itself.  I focused on letting go and letting the words emerge rather than trying to force them.  When I came to close to finishing it, I was bothered by a couple of lines and wondered if they would be misunderstood.  My eyes were then drawn to the line “Let go of the need for perfection, that’s not the aim.”  I reminded myself this is my third poem.  No one else will expect perfection from me, and I shouldn’t expect it from myself.

Over the next hour or so I tweaked a couple of words.  Soon thereafter, I realized the entire poem could be seen as a message to me.  I will learn to trust in my ability to write poetry as I continue to write poems!


26 thoughts on “The Development of Trust (Acrostic)

      1. (Accidentally replied to the comment below! Eep!)
        I love the message you are getting across, but I feel that the confusion of the first line takes away from the poem. It doesn’t quite make sense. I’m trying to think of examples of how it could be reworded but I’m struggling at the moment. I may come back with a few suggestions 🙂

        I love the acrostic Be Still. Beautiful.


    1. I love the message you are getting across, but I feel that the confusion of the first line takes away from the poem. It doesn’t quite make sense. I’m trying to think of examples of how it could be reworded but I’m struggling at the moment. I may come back with a few suggestions 🙂

      I love the acrostic Be Still. Beautiful.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Great, Karuna…I admire your poem and Justine’s with that rhyme…saw that a bit too late…oh well…it is interesting where “trust” took everyone in this exercise. This is not an easy form.


      1. Oh no…when I see a prompt that inspires me I will do one for fun. I worked on lots of forms two years ago when I started blogging to try my hand at poetry…I still like free verse and a Japanese forms a lot…there is so much to learn and so much depth in it…so in a way it is my form of meditation.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. An once you get to learn the more how each line as a role…we are learning now how a haiku is an “impression” of a moment…a brief moment…be in that moment, feel it…then write that moment in your own words. I really enjoy it.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes it is! It was fun when I realized I could use that last line and link the two (the poem and the blog.)

      Thanks for the link to your poem. I will go there now!


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